The days of simply making money by applying a trade, no longer are really with us, as today’s trades are very different from anything we have been used to in the past. These days if is often much more profitable to offer a service or give people access to products that they may find themselves in need of. One can turn a profit on a wide range of items, as long as they are things that people would be willing to pay a decent price for, and as long as the seller has a good idea of what the buying public wants to actually buy. This could be difficult to get a handle on but could also be potentially rewarding, as long as one has the patience to put up with it. As such, whether it is online storefronts or eBay-style auction sites, one could get into a pretty good swing of things as a seller.
However, one’s success in such an endeavor could be unfortunately curtailed should he find himself unlucky enough to get suspended by eBay. eBay suspension could take place for a variety of reasons – some logical, some petty, all difficult. One could have forgotten to pay outstanding eBay fees, which is the simplest reason to deal with (eBay reinstates your account upon payment). Then there’s identity and tax verification, which is similarly quick to be fixed in the event that you have supporting documents to send them. Other reasons including listing a frowned-upon amount of auctions per day (100) or breaking Verified Rights Owner program rules. In other cases, you can be shut down due to customer complaints or similarly small reasons.
Suspension usually has a number of immediate effects. First is notification through an automated email, which lists the details of the suspension and may give the reason up front. All running auctions will be closed immediately, and no credit for ended listing fees is given. The seller will then be charged all outstanding eBay fees, and will have his personal information blacklisted from eBay. This is an extremely inconvenient situation, and this even makes starting over just another pain in the neck.
Getting back on eBay is going to be difficult – even in the cases where you can simply deal with the small reasons for suspension. After all, what’s to stop this from happening again? It may be wiser to get an eBay stealth account. After all, an eBay stealth account is a surefire way to take control over your eBay experience — keeping your private information private so that eBay cannot connect you to the account they got rid of, eventually allowing you to build to an unsuspendable and ultimate account. An eBay stealth account will also help you keep track of eBay’s keeping track of you, allowing you to sidestep the way they can look into your activity and allowing you to maintain an eBay existence that you have full control over, free of their potentially harmful influence.
Originally posted 2012-03-19 23:37:33.
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